25 February 2009


My hunny is on his way home.

Suddenly, I don't have anything to wear and feel completely inadequate.

I spent a lot of time and energy getting things for him to wear, and I forgot about me.

And my mother-in-law thinks its absurd that I'm going to work in the morning instead of spending the whole morning tomorrow sitting by the phone with balloons and a welcome home sign.

I didn't get balloons and a welcome home sign. That's just not how I roll. Is that lame of me? Should I be standing there with balloons and a welcome home sign for a 25 year old? I think I'm just lame.

And I have work to do, and he doesn't get in until afternoon or evening. Why am I letting her make me feel badly?

I'm nervous that Hug is going to think I'm lame, because he expects some all-out crazy two weeks of non-stop action and adventure and fun. What if I just don't meet his expectations? Why am I so nervous????

I know when I hug him at the airport everything will be fine. Things will fall into place. We'll figure it out. We'll make whatever adjustments we need to make.

But until them....I'm going freaking crazy!

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