18 February 2009

R&R Now Please

Dear Army,

Why are you always disappointing me?

Its okay. I know you well. I was prepared for this. Thanks for teaching me never to do countdowns because you always break your dates (or at least postpone them).

I'm not freaking out yet. We're only a little behind right now. We could catch-up. He could make it in time...

Actually, I don't really plan on freaking out, because, like I said, I was prepared for this.

Okay, maybe I'm freaking out a teeny bit. If he's two days late, I can deal, but if he's more than two days, I'm going to be upset.

But we'll deal with it. It'll be fine. Everything is flexible. This is why we nixed the trip to Hawaii, so we wouldn't have to freak out if the dates were pushed.

But really - I'm just ready for him to come home. It is sooo freaking time! Eight months. Eight freaking months! My co-worker was a wreck after her husband was gone a week, and her mother-in-law lives with her! Try eight freaking months.

And you know what sucks? Two weeks is going to be gone before we know it, and he'll be back there, and I'll be back here.

BUT we'll be two weeks closer to him coming home permanently...hmm...semi-permanently...well, until next time, I guess. It won't be long now.

I'm not complaining. Deployment has been easy for me comparatively, having no kids, and living with my parents...umm...well, saving money anyway. But having my husband be away still SUCKS.


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