26 April 2009

Reason No. 976 Why I'm Not Drinking Again While Hug is Deployed

Sissy Ben had the scare of her life yesterday. I was drinking and didn't have my phone with me. Although it was just a scare, and I did talk to her last night when I got back to my phone, when I hung up with her, I couldn't help but think how useless I would have been if it was not just a scare. I would have wanted to go to the airport immediately and insist on being on the first flight out, but I wouldn't be able to, because I let a bunch of 22 year olds convince me to play drinking games. Ugh.

It never really occurred to me that "false" notifications happen. I've heard of scams happening, and you can imagine what my opinion is about that, but the Army messing up something so important??? Okay, not so far-fetched, but just something I never thought about. I tear up at the thought now. When I think about it, I can feel the heart-wrenching fear and pain SisB must have felt. Then the relief of knowing its not for you followed by the pain of understanding its for someone else and the guilt from the feeling of relief.

Thinking about it makes me want to scream and cry and curl up in fetal position in a dark closet.

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