18 April 2009

My Last Doctor's Appointment

They tested my thyroid hormone levels, and they are normal with the Synthroid, which is good and bad. Good for the obvious reasons, and bad because I am still not feeling 100% and haven't had a period since January.

They did a pregnancy test - negative - big fucking shock there, and drew blood to test my hormone levels one more time. Thyroid hormone is normal. Androgen is high. Third test and its still high. Weird because I don't exhibit the normal female-with-high-testosterone signs such as excessive hair growth on my face and chest - ew. But the symptoms I do have are pointing at Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom (PCOS), so the doctor is referring me to an endocrinologist. The problem is that I won't be able to get in to see an Endocrinologist for about two months, and I'm moving in less than that. Oh, and my doctor's referral doesn't transfer across tri-care regions, so I'll have to go to my PCP for a referral. Sounds to me like its going to be four months until we figure anything out. Cool.

In the meantime, the doctor gave me some yadayada-progesterone to make me have a period. let me tell you how fun periods are when you don't get them every month. Umm, not at all. Now, she wants me to knowingly torture myself by making it happen? What an awful thought to know what I'm about to inflict on myself.

I read some things about PCOS and found that many of the symptoms can be relieved with a good diet and by losing a few pounds. Okay, I can deal with that. I am now that obsessive compulsive person who reads every label before buying or eating anything and looks up nutritional values before going to a restaurant. I'm hoping that if I'm obsessive compulsive for the next two months, my energy levels will spike and I'll feel less like the thought of going to the gym is pure torture. And, hopefully, once I get more activity in my life, and my new eating habits become habits, I can eat more like a normal person and feel less like an obsessive compulsive.

I'm not going to go into my feelings about PCOS right now, since we don't have an actual diagnosis yet. Normally, this is something I'd lose sleep over, but work has been so crazy lately, I'm losing sleep over that instead. So, I'll just be patient and calm and wait, because this situation is not that bad. I can deal with this. Things could be much worse.

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