30 December 2008


Now I have to buy a new laptop. Okay, I don't have to buy a new laptop, but I'm going to want a new laptop, because "mine" is about to go to Iraq. Ugh.

Hug took "our" laptop to Afghanistan, so I was pleased when I moved home and found that my sister had bought a new laptop and that the old one was just sitting around collecting dust - literally. Not in a case or anything. And it had a ton of crappy programs on it, slowing it down. Well, I cleaned it up and offered to buy it. Sister declined, but said I could use it, so I pretty much made it my own - loaded my pictures on it, loaded my music on it, added all my favorites.

Now she tells me she's giving it to her boyfriend to take to Iraq. I should've known.

I can't blog on my parents' computer. Not only is it in a totally visible place, but one of them is ALWAYS on it playing freaking solitaire. Ugh ugh ugh. Of course this would happen just when I decide to be a better blogger.

Well, maybe this is the excuse I've been looking for to buy a nice, itty bitty laptop. Husband, what do you think?????

1 comment:

mike said...

go for it...you deserve it