28 December 2008

Phone Conversations

My ratio of good conversations to bad with HM/Hug/Hub is probably about 1 in 3. That's mostly because of the time difference. When its evening in Funland, its morning here, so when Hug is relaxing and winding down, I'm not even through my first cup on coffee, on my way to work, and a big grouch. By the time I fully wake up, its very late in Funland - Hug is overly tired, and now he's a big grouch. For those rare times when we're both in a good mood, one of us is usually stuck in a meeting or busy doing actual work.

So, even though we talk almost everyday, the quality of our conversations aren't always the best.

Last night I didn't sleep. I was up at 2am sending Hug messages to his e-mail from my phone, hoping he would check his e-mail and have a chance to call. Amazingly, he did. We had a nice conversation. I was fully awake, he was fully awake. I have no idea what we talked about. I just liked hearing his voice.

I am going to try to remember that when I'm grouchy in the morning and he calls while I'm driving to work, because that's when he's usually at his sweetest.

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