28 September 2011

Good News!

This morning, I laid awake in bed for some time stressing. Are we making the right decision? Are we really ready for this...financially, emotionally, physically?? We haven't even been in this house a month! Our house isn't even completely unpacked! I've got boxes in the dining room, boxes in the third bedroom, drywallers coming sometime soon to fix the sunroom, a rug randomly folded and thrown in the middle of the living, because it somehow got sandy between storage and the move into the house, a counter stool as a nightstand next to my bed... It could collapse into the soggy, rain-soaked ground tomorrow, and we'd be homeless. Both of our cars could break down. Etc., etc., ad nauseam.


We're doing it.

We're adopting!!

We had a teleconference this morning with an adoption facilitator. I went into it cautiously, thinking we'd probably decide it wasn't right for us, assuming we'd back out. But we're not. We're doing it!

And now I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm really pretty much scared to death, but I'm excited. This is only the beginning. The emotions, the nerves, the fear, the panic - its all going to get worse, but it will be worth it in the end.

We've been ready to embark on this journey for some time, and we're finally doing it. This isn't exactly what we had in mind when first started out, but this is just as good. Its going to be just as good, maybe even better. If I love this baby half as much as I love Buddy, we'll be just fine.